Samuel Bravmann (1880 - 1958)

Salomon & Regina Bravmann, Eppingen 1935Samuel Bravmann was born in Unteraltertheim near Würzburg on June 26, 1880 . In 1903 he became the Israelitic teacher and Chasan in Eppingen.

On June 27, 1904 he married Regina Ettlinger (1882 - 1945) in Eppingen. The couple had 4 children, Siegfried (*1905), Elsa (*1907), Max (*1909) and Ruth (*1914). The children emigrated in 1934, whereas the parents stayed on in Eppingen, although Samuel Bravmann had not received any salary from the state since 1933. He had  a stroke in 1937. During the excesses on November 9, 1938 (called mockingly „Crystal Night” by the Nazis) Samuel Bravmann was seized and brought to the KZ Dachau, where he was imprisoned for more than one month. After these events the couple decided to emigrate to Palestine. They succeeded since their children were there to help them with the necessary papers.

Since Josef Weil , the chairman of the Steinsfurt congregation, had left Germany in April 1939 without leave, the Israelitic Oberrat nominated Samuel Bravmann as the representative for the Jewish congregation in Steinsfurt. So he signed the Auflassung in the Grundbuchamt Sinsheim on July 10, 1938. This was probably his last official function before his own emigration: The couple arrived in Palestine on August 1, 1939.

Salomon Bravmann's gravestone in HeidelbergHis wife Regina died in Jerusalem in 1945. Samuel Bravmann returned to Germany in 1950. Here he lived for some years in his own house in Eppingen, which had been returned to him. He died on May 28, 1958 in an old people's home in Heidelberg.



Sophie Betz,Sarah Sachsenheimer: Samuel Bravmann (in: Jüdisches Leben im Kraichgau. Zur Geschichte der Eppinger Juden und ihrer Familien. Heimatfreunde Eppingen, 2006)

Grundbuchamt Sinsheim, Documents for the synagogue-plot

Pictures by Michael Heitz who helped with additional information, too.