The Synagogue as Obstruction

After Karl Leonhardt's death the business stopped. There was a closing down sale. The heirs let neighbours use the building as storage space for unwanted furniture etc. Later a roofer used it for storage of his material and tools and even had a provisional workshop there.

When the connecting road to Adersbach was improved there didn't seem to be any reasons why the obstacle should hinder the plans. The Regierungspräsidium in Karlsruhe clarified this in 1982:

Für die Verbreiterung der Straße sind verschiedene Eingriffe in die Bausubstanz, insbesondere im Bereich der ehemaligen Synagoge erforderlich. Diesbezüglich erfolgte im Rahmen des Dorfsanierungsprogrammes eine Absprache mit der Gemeinde. Bezüglich des vorgesehenen Abrisses der ehemaligen Synagoge wurden zu Beginn der Planung im Jahre 1966 vom Landesdenkmalamt keine Einwendungen erhoben
(Various intrusions in this built-up part of the village are necessary to enlarge the road, especially in the area of the synagogue. One came to an agreement with the community in connection with the program to improve the village. At the beginning of the planning process in 1966 the Landesdenkmalamt raised no objections to the plan of pulling down the synagogue.)