Before this Synagogue
Before 1861
In a survey from 1803 it says that there are four Jewish families „…welche nach Rohrbach in die Schule gehen, weil hier keine Synagoge ist" [“... who go to the synagogue in Rohrbach because no synagogue is here”]. We think that the community was just too small to have regular services of their own and so they didn't have a synagogue.
In 1823 there is a mikveh but still we have not found a document about a synagogue.
The First Synagogue
Before 1835 a single room was dedicated for a synagogue. This was in the upper storey of an outbuilding to a house at the lower end of todays Lerchenneststraße.
The Site
The areal which the synagogue stands on was bought in 1858 by the Jewish community.
When later the synagogue was built it was known as the „Garden of the Israelitic community”.
The Mikveh
Already in 1822 there were two „Judenbäder” in Steinsfurt. In 1861 a new „Bathhouse” was built on the areal of the synagogue. This mikveh seems to have been in use up to 1938 when it was sold together with the synagogue.