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Impressions from the Presentation-Event


{vsig_c}0|A.jpg||Two pupils of the Wilhelmi-Gymnasium Sinsheim were moderators for the event{/vsig_c}

{vsig_c}0|B.jpg||More than 200 visitors attended the event{/vsig_c}

{vsig_c}0|C.jpg||Prof. Annette Weber from the Hochschule für Jüdische Studien, Heidelberg{/vsig_c}

{vsig_c}0|D.jpg||David Seldner, vice-chairman of the Oberrat der Israelitischen Religionsgemeinschaft Baden during his talk{/vsig_c}

{vsig_c}0|E.jpg||Pupils presenting the feature map{/vsig_c}

{vsig_c}0|F.jpg||Pupils presenting thir project{/vsig_c}

{vsig_c}0|G.jpg||At the reception after the show (right: Prof. Jürgen Krüger){/vsig_c}